Sedation Dentistry For Saskatoon Communities

It’s no secret that many people feel nervous when it’s time to visit the dentist, whether for an ordinary cleaning or a more extensive treatment. Oral health professionals recognize this, and that’s why most if not all, dental clinics offer sedation dentistry to keep patients comfortable.

Sedation dentistry is a specialized form of care that can be administered in various ways, depending on the patient’s needs and what their dentist advises.

If you’d like to speak with a dentist in Saskatoon about sedation dental options, please reach out to us here at Hampton Village Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry in Saskatoon

What is Offered

There are a few methods that dentists can use to provide sedation medication to their patients; two of the most common ones include:

  • Oral – Patients who undergo oral sedation are required to take medication in the form of a pill several hours before their appointment. This level of sedation may be mild or moderate.

Local anesthetic is not a sedative but is frequently provided for routine treatments like cleaning and dental fillings. The target area is numbed, and you remain fully conscious.

No matter which type of dental sedation you receive, you won’t feel any discomfort and will be able to relax while your dental team works to improve your smile.

Who Can Get Dental Sedation?

You must attend a consultation with your dentist in Saskatoon before acquiring dental sedation since not everyone is an ideal candidate for this method of care. They will discuss your medical/dental background, preferences, and the type of service you require to recommend the most appropriate solution.

In addition to keeping you calm, sedation can help patients who:

  • Have special needs
  • Feel claustrophobic in the dentist’s chair
  • Need a complex/lengthy procedure
  • Have an overactive gag reflex
  • Have a fear of dental clinics

Should you have concerns or injuries about any of this, don’t hesitate to speak up; after all, your well-being and peace of mind are just as important as the health of your smile.

We Can Help; Call Us Today

Has the time come to schedule your next dental session? Are you feeling nervous about doing so? If that’s the case, know that it’s okay. You are not alone. People of every age feel anxious about having their smiles treated, but that shouldn’t stand in the way of getting the care you need.

We invite you to message our neighborhood dental clinic if you’d like to learn more about sedation dentistry in Saskatoon. Our staff is eager to work with you!